محتوى الكتاب الكتروني ما الشر
Author: Dr. Abdnan Al-Ahmad The problem of evil is one of the major and permanent problems of philosophy since its inception. It will remain a problem as long as man is on this earth. Rather, one of the most important achievements of philosophy, from the Greek moment until now, is to make evil the center [...]
محتوى الكتاب الكتروني ما الكينونه
Writer: Muhammad Nour Al-Nimr What is being? What are the manifestations of its presence philosophically? If the transformations of being are the field of our research, then our effort will focus on studying the Greek rational establishment of being in its various forms, dismantling postmodern perceptions and its reversal of the Greek conception of being, [...]
محتوى الكتاب الكتروني كتاب الملل
Author: Lars Svendsen Translated by: Abdullah Ismail The reason that prompted me to write this book was the extreme boredom that had plagued me for quite some time. However, what alerted me to the importance of this subject was the death of a dear friend of mine due to a bout of boredom that had [...]
فن العمل
Author: Lars Svendsen Translator: Shams Al Duha Suleiman Philosophers from Plato to Bertrand Russell have engaged wide audiences with questions of life and death. The aim of the series (The Art of Living) was to unearth the riches of philosophy and present them to a wider audience once again. Drawing on the concerns of the [...]
محتوى الكتاب الكتروني ما التاويل
Author: Dr. Najm Boufadel Contemplation of the nature of interpretation leads to the conviction that it is a firmly rooted quality in the human mind, which humans rely on in their persistent pursuit to understand the various meanings that are hidden in existence and revealed through the interaction between human beings and the world. If [...]

Alpharabius (Al Farabi), born in 874 AD, was known as the second guru after Aristotle, whom the Arab philosophers referred to as the first. Alpharabius is a prominent figure in history and Arab-Islamic culture, as well as home to various ethics and cultures. Alpharabius is regarded as the founder of Islamic philosophy, and his works have been translated into numerous different languages.

إبن باجة

Ibn Tufail, the first to invent the art of the philosophical novel, is the author of Hayy Ibn Yaqzan. In this work, he highlights how a man can instinctively perceive nature and use it to arrive at rational reasoning.

Al-Kindi was born in the year 185AH/801 AD in the city of Kufa and received his scientific and philosophical education in Baghdad. He possessed a had a sharp mind, was an avid reader, and was dedicated to learning. As a result, he became an expert in the fields of literature, language, and religion. Dubbed the philosopher of the Arabs, he was the first among the Arabs to pursue early science. Al-Kindi was tasked with spelling out the works of Greek philosophers, publishing them, and perfecting their translations into Arabic.

Avempace (Ibn Bajja) is an Andalusian philosopher, born in 487 AH/1080 AD in Zaragoza, Andalusia, in northeastern Spain today. In his last twenty years, he worked as a minister and doctor in the Almoravid state and authored 28 books, mostly on astronomy, medicine, mathematics, literature, and music. However, his most famous work on philosophy, Tadbeer Al-Mutawhid (the Handling of the Solitary), is considered a thought-dense book in which Ibn Bajja explains his philosophy in an excellent manner.

Averroes (Ibn Rushd), born in Cordoba in the year 1126 AD, is a judge, physician, and philosopher. He was interested in science, learned jurisprudential sciences from the most influential jurists of his time, and was the author of Kitab Al Kulliyat fi Al-Tibb (The Complete in Medicine). Averroes is regarded as one of philosophy’s loyal defenders and deniers.

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