فلسفة الخوف
I wrote this book out of my great annoyance with fear "colonizing" our lives. In fact, books written out of rage tend to be polemical, and this book will be no exception anyway. But we can consider it an attack on the practical approach to all phenomena associated with fear. The culture of fear is [...]
فلسفة الحرية
This book is a defense of freedom. It is directed at those who argue that freedom is incompatible with a scientific worldview, as well as at those in the political arena who are willing to sacrifice freedom for a seemingly higher purpose. The two issues are dealt with in the context of each other. Freedom [...]
فن الجوع
The writers I discuss in this book forcefully undermine this relationship between aesthetic autonomy and freedom, portraying their art as neither free nor voluntarily chosen. As for what is related to some writers of the art of hunger, the absence of this freedom takes the form of a literal loss of liberation, as Bartleby starves [...]
فلسفة الموضة
It is no secret that fashion has been one of the most influential phenomena on Western civilization since the Renaissance. It has overshadowed quite a few modern human activities and has become very much 'second nature'. Therefore, our understanding of fashion will contribute to our understanding of ourselves and our actions. However, philosophers throughout the [...]
محتوى الكتاب الكتروني ما السلطة
Author: Dr. Hassan Hammad Power always involves a paradox: it is material and moral, real and imaginary, desired and rejected, loved and hated, overt and covert, collective and individual, conscious and unconscious, and external and internal. Moreover, power is present and absent, as its absence leads to chaos, while its intense presence leads to oppression, [...]
ما البنية
Author:Dr. Ali Al-Hassan The question about structure is an old and new question, a question that targets the secondary meaning of existence and the network of relationships that exist between human beings. However, the question about the structure has not been exhausted, despite the many attempts to answer it, and if it is true to [...]
محتوى الكتاب الكتروني ابن خلدون
Author: Fathi Al-Triki In fact, Ibn Khaldun's approach was scientific, analytical and creative. He does not want to be a philosopher according to the Peripatetics, nor a scientist according to the mathematicians, nor a historian according to the method of the informants, but he really wanted to be a philosopher, scientist, and historian in a [...]
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