The Ego

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Many difficulties face those who confront the ego through reflection and meditation. But it shouldn’t prevent us from going through the research on this complex thing. However, another concern behind our approach to the ego, is that it is a reminder of the ego, which is lost amid forgetfulness; because of the uplift of “the we”. I want to rehabilitate to “ego” as a self-existence, rejoicing, grieving, suffering, tormenting, governing anger, revolting, surrendering, hating and loving… etc. The ego is not a simple identity. It has a complicated structure, internally diversified, contradictory, fixed, and shifting. It includes concealment as much as emergence, and states of consciousness as much as the subconscious. The reasonable lives in it alongside the unreasonable, and what is the original adjoins the fake.
The ego is an existence in the world, that is, the social, moral, political, and cognitive world. However, it is a captive in this world, its consciousness of freedom doesn’t arise except as consciousness of captivity. It is a captive in this world, a captive of the structure, caves, tombs, and idols; then, a captive of everything outside itself.
This is my book, not anyone else’s book, I address the Intention of the ego and its specifics, and manifestations in all existence.

مقاس الكتاب 130 - 200 MM
عدد الصفحات 142
اسم المؤلف أحمد برقاوي المهدي مستقيم
كود المنتجPHB00062

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