Fujairah International Philosophy Conference
The fourth session
21- 23.11.2024

Philosophy celebrates its World Day with the shining of its lights from Fujairah.
Since its establishment, the House of Philosophy has adopted the tradition of holding a conference to commemorate the global celebration of World Philosophy Day, as designated by UNESCO on the Thursday of the third week of November, and this has become one of its permanent rituals.
What prompted UNESCO to designate a day for philosophy, a day for celebration? It is the celebration of reason, encompassing love for truth, humanity, and beauty, as well as values of tolerance, brotherhood, and coexistence.

About the conference:
Every year on the third of November, we join the global celebration of World Philosophy Day, a day designated by UNESCO to transcend ordinary celebrations and deepen our understanding of philosophy’s importance and its transformative impact on our lives. Since the establishment of the House of Philosophy, we have been committed to honoring this day, emphasizing the profound message philosophy conveys and its vital role in enriching human experience.
About the Fourth Conference:
Critique has been a cornerstone of philosophical development. From the earliest moments of conscious awareness, critique has served as philosophy’s enduring companion, inviting us to question, explore, and push the boundaries of understanding. This year’s House of Philosophy conference explores the theme of “philosophical critique” from diverse perspectives.
Our objective this year is to foster a rich dialogue around the concept of philosophical critique, examining its deeper meanings and its essential connection to the art of questioning. We aim to review the critique within philosophical discourse itself and engage with reality from a conscious, critical perspective.
Through this exploration, we hope to cultivate a way of thinking that redefines our understanding of the world, where critique becomes a means of transformation, strengthening our role in building a more profound, self-aware reality.
Fujairah International Philosophy Conference Agenda
(Philosophical Critique)
21- 23.11.2024
Day 1
National Anthem
Conference Opening and Welcome Speech by the Master of Ceremonies
Yousef Abdulbari.
Opening Video
Welcome speech to the attendees
Dr. Ahmad Al Barqawi - Dean of the House of Philosophy
Keynote speech
Prof. Purushottama Bilimoria - Professor at San Francisco University Principal Fellow of University of Melbourne (Australia). Editor-in-Chief of Sophia
Session 1:
Dr Ahmed Al-Barqawi: What is Philosophical Critique?
Dr. Abdulla Al Ghathami: Cultural Critique
Moderator: Dr. Sulaiman Al-Hattlan.
Session 2:
Dr Fathi Triki: Criticism in Nomad Philosophy
Dr Mohamed Mahjoub: What May I Criticise?
Dr. Ahmed Madi: Contemporary Arabic Philosophy: A Critical Reading
Moderator: Dr Hassan Hammad
Book Signing
of ‘Manifestations of Kantian Philosophy in Nietzsche’s Thought ‘ - Dr. Bassel Al Zein
Book Signing
of ‘Philosophy as Envisioned by UNESCO ‘ - Dr. El Mehdi Moustakim
Session 3:
Dr Mashhad Al Allaf: Epistemology and the Critique of Scientific Knowledge
Dr. Kristína Bosáková: "Leonard Harris´s Critique of the Traditional
Understanding of Tradition
Dr. Stella Villarmea: Philosophy of Birth: A Philosophical Critique
Session 4:
Dr. Ali Al Hassan: A Structuralist Critique of Historicism
Dr. Ali AlKaabi: Teaching Critical Consciousness
Moderator: Dr. Anwar Moghith
Day 2
Welcome speech
by MC – Layali Hammoud
Session 1:
Dr Maryam AlHashmi: The Philosophical Basis of Literary Criticism
Dr Suleiman Al Dhaher: Criticism and the Beginning of Philosophising
Moderator: Dr Duaa Khalil
Session 2:
Dr. Abdullah Mutairi: Listening as a Prerequisite for Criticism
Dr. Abdullah Al Jasmi: Criticism and questioning
Moderator: Dr Suleiman Al Dhaher
Session 3:
Dr. Edwin Etieyibo: Decentring Eurocentrism through Arabic and African Philosophical
Moderator: Dr Mashhad Al Allaf
Day 3
Welcome speech
MC-Layali Hmmoud
MOU signing Between
Philosophy House and The Aldo Moro University of Bari
Session 1:
Presentation of the Case Study Results: "The Impact of Teaching P4C on Fifth Grade Students"
Shaikha Al Sharqi
Dalia Al Toonsi
Dr. Emad Al Zahrani
Session 2:
Fujairah Philosophy Circle Meeting with the presidents of the Arab Philosophical Societies
The conference speakers
Dr. Ahmed Al-Barqawi
Dean of the House of Philosophy.
Abdullah Alghadami
He is a Saudi writer and academic, who has written several books in the field of literary criticism and holds a doctorate from the University of Exeter.
Fathi Triki
Tunisian thinker and philosopher who received a doctorate in political philosophy from the Sorbonne University in Paris and a doctorate in philosophy from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Tunis.
Mohammed Mahjoub
Distinguished Professor of Hermeneutics and History of Philosophy at the University of Tunis El Manar.
Dr. Mashhad Al-Allaf
Associate Professor of Philosophy of Science, Logic, Ethics, & Islamic Studies.
Kristina Bosakova
Assistant Professor at the Department of philosophy and history of philosophy of Faculty of Arts at University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice.
Suwanna Satha-Anand
Suwanna Satha-Anand is professor in Philosophy Department, Faculty of Arts at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok Thailand
Stella Villarmia
main contributor to the emergent field of the Philosophy of Birth. She currently leads the Program of Excellence, on the Philosophy of Birth.
Ali Alhassan
Professor of Contemporary Philosophy at Alfurat University, Syria. Lecturer at the House of Philosophy.
Ali alKaabi
Professor of Education Policy and Comparative Pedagogy, he served as Secretary General of the UAE University.
Maryam Al-Hashemi
the Chair of the Department of Education Studies and an Assistant Professor in the College of Education at Zayed University.
Sulaiman Al-Daher
Professor in Mohamed bin Zayed University for Humanities. Professor of Greek Philosophy Department of Philosophy – Faculty of Arts and Humanities – Damascus University (2005).
Abdullah Al-Mutairi
Professor of Philosophical Fundamentals of Education at King Saud University, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Philosophy Society in Saudi Arabia.
Abdullah Aljasmi
He received his Ph.D. in 1995 from Hull University in Britain in the field of "Philosophy of Beauty and Art".
Edwin Etieyibo
Department of Philosophy, School of Social Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand. Johannesburg, South Africa.
Jim Unah
Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria.
Shaikha Al Sharqi
Child Initiatives Coordinator at the House of Philosophy and Certified Philosophy Facilitator.
Dalia Al Toonsi
Founder and CEO of Baseera Institute in Saudi Arabia.
Emad Alzahrani
He holds a PhD and a master’s degree in Fundamentals of Education from King Saud University and a diploma in philosophy and research methods.
Purushottama Bilimoria
Indian & Cross-Cultural philosophy, critical philosophies of law and religion.
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